Wizardry Legacy survey available!
I am currently holding a survey for the wizardry legacy project. If you have some interest in the project or in the Wizardry franchise, please answer the survey below
If you know other wizardry fans, send them the link. The answers I have right now are interesting, but I don't have enough data to confirm those answers. My objective would be to have between, 50-100 answers. Unfortunately, from experience, I doubt having more than 25 answers.
This is a portal that contains all my websites according to my fields of interest which could be generalized as Game design, Library Science and Computer science. Most of the things you will find here is related to gaming, but you might find a few other topics.
Note that I decided to put game design on pause for various reasons that are explained in this news post. Lifetime projects are still maintained, but I'll be spending my time on other hobbies for now.
Wizardry Legacy
A website dedicated to the Wizardry Legacy project which is an attempt to make a video game very similar to the classic wizardry series. If you like challenging role playing games and a rule system similar to Dungeons and Dragons, then Wizardry is for you.
Board Game design
This web site is dedicated to board game design. You can find many information about the board games I made. There is many content for helping designers making their own game. But you can also find a lot of material for non-designers, like guides, material, variants, etc. If you like board games, I suggest you take a look.
Haunted Archives
This website contains old projects that I did in the past which are now distributed as archive. My old websites are also being archived on this site. You will find stuff about video games, Role playing Games, Software I programmed a long time ago and much more. But beware, the content is very old and sometimes it can be very scary. This is why the archives are haunted.
Larienna's Art Gallery
This is where I try to put a copy of all my pieces of art. I am not a professional artist, I am doing artistic activities for fun. So I decided to build a website to put everything I did there. I am exploring various artistic medium, so new pieces will be added there over time.